Bridge of Silver Wings

July 24, 2016  When I started writing here a little over a year ago, I thought it would carry on for more than a few weeks.  Although many surprises in life are exhilarating and exciting…..this was not that kind.  I failed.  But as Aunt Billie so memorably said in Meet the Robinsons,

From failing you learn. From success…not so much!

So, here I am again because I can’t get to the charm of a third time if I don’t start twice before that.

I have to give thanks to a friend who had disappeared suddenly into the mist for almost a year and reappeared for four brief sentences a couple of days ago.  It was someone that was the recipient of long emails about my life and blessed me with eloquent writings and poetry of existence and nature that took my breath away.  These were scribings that I would read so slowly and carefully the first time because the feelings they evoked were so emotional, I knew the reading would never recreate the initial waves of awe that inspired me.  It’s like the movie The Sixth Sense, no viewing is ever the same as the first moment you realize what has been happening….it still makes me open my eyes wide and gasp slightly as I recall that delicious second in time when I realized the doctor was all along just a spiritual presence…..Ahhhh….

My brilliant friend just sent a simple short email and my responses have gone unanswered but the blessing was that it sparked a place in me that remembered that I love words and expression, adventure and possibilities, serenity and passion that comes from within.  Thanks, B for that moment that pulled me from a depth I was trapped in to the first step upwards towards the glow of contentment and maybe even happiness.

There is another person that inspired this return to the place that is for me like a perfect hammock on the boat to adventure filled solitude. This person often comes to me in that place between awake and asleep. You know what I mean…that wonderful floating place where reality and fantasy are blurred together so that your dreamy wishes don’t seem so distant because one foot is still hooked around the bedpost keeping life as you know it safely in view. That’s the place that brings such a warmth about me that I drift off with the corners of my lips curled upwards and my eyelids close with a sense of peace…. Thank you my friend, our bond will never be broken by the wind because we are strong enough to bend.

These are only two of the many people that inspire and amaze me every day.

My last thanks must extend to the person that took my distain of writing anything that was more than the digits on a check and my hasty signature to the only place I have ever found that I can truly be myself, funneling all of the swirling thoughts that constantly clutter my mind into an outlet that soothes my anxiousness and lets the light in.  You have my unending gratitude MJF.

As the right moments and inspiration merged, here I am to try again to have an outlet so the world immediately around me can once more see my eyes shine through the dullness that has been living in my soul.

“A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jeweled vision of a life started anew.”


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